And lastly, Robert was listening to some crazy music aloud today, and when I turned around to ask him wtf he was listening to I see these things....... Haha! Sucha novelty.
I went to Hard for Halloween and for those people still saying Daft Punk performed.....IT WAS NOT THEM IT WAS DJ AM DRESSED IN A CUSTOM MADE COSTUME. It was still awesome though
I went as a Mormon.....that's why I have a bike helmet on
Goku and Sub-Zero giving a light don't see that everyday
Will call line.....standing in that was the biggest load of bullshit ever
Waiting in line to get in....hey whatcha got rolling there?
Ever notice how there's always that one person looking at you or in the opposite direction of the crowd and you just happen to capture that moment while trying to snag pictures of the crowd?
My new bff's
Shout out to Acrylick! Cause I always see them at music festivals