Alas! It's Friday! About fucking time too I had enough of this week...FUCK SUMMER SCHOOL! I am so tired....we just finished packing Karmaloop's order for Summer and I am so glad that's out of the way! Time to watch Wall-E and Wanted and sleep in forever.
Robert came in wearing an elongated V-neck today....Henry, Phillip and I just paused and looked at him (no comment). We took a picture and made a hilarious photoshop rendition of the moment but due to his douche baggeries we weren't allowed to post the picture up...*thumbs down* there goes a solid hour of hard irrelevant work. HOWEVER! Look at what Phillip found!
With the annual rise in gas prices I predict that in 15 years owning automobiles and driving will probably be a pastime of the rich, and the middler/lower class will no longer consider bike riding a hobby. Oh well, "Let them eat cake!" /rant off. Anyway, keep your eyes peeled for some of these dope cars coming soon to a suburban city near you.
Mitsubishi Lancer Ralliart Edition Key note Engine is a 4B11T(evo x) engine, and will run a dual clutch 5-speed sequential. Lets hope it's a hell of a lot cheaper then its bigger brother the Evo X
Holden Coupe 60 While this car is pretty much a Pontiac G8 GXP. Holden (an Australian automobile company) has done a hell of a make over. With a 6.0L flexfuel V8 you'll be gasing up at every other light
2010 Honda NSX Spy shots
Yup as you can tell from the pictures Honda is going "street" with some Urban Camo print that will be a stock feature on the new NSX...........Just playing the cars supposed to be disguised, there really isn't much to be said about the 2010 NSX except that its about time. Oh yeah all you GTR fan boys out there watch out.
The Audi R8 TDI Le Mans Editions how do you make the already awesome R8 better? Dump the v8 and throw in a v12 *insert witty remark on gas pricers here*
How fucking lame is that video? The same JDL members protesting peace is also shoving passerby's and customers to the floor and cussing them out....(haha) way to strengthen your agenda!
However one wants to interpret what Rick Klotz's supposed "art" (as stated in his blog) means, I in turn am a little bothered, and lost in translation over the meaning of a shirt that has a picture of the former leader of the PLO; Yasir Arafat (a anti-semite who condoned terrorist activities on the Israelis) with the caption "the good ol days." Does that mean its a shirt representing the mass suicide bombings that took place or the constant bombing of Palestinian villages and the thousands of lives that were lost over a dispute that has been going on for thousands of years with no end in sight? I wish I had the answers.
What I do know is, is that this is giving Freshjive a HUGE amount of publicity and exposure....makes you wonder if bad publicity even works to the protesters advantage anymore.
All this really takes me back and reminds me of Eminem and his troubles with his ex-wife, his own mother, the law, and the homosexual community, and how it helped spiral his record sales to the top. It even revived Dr. Dre's career by also shooting his Chronic 2001 album to the top.
Anyways, here's a photo of the shirt interpret any which way you want.
How's everyone doing? good? bad? Here's a summary of the week/weekend thus far. Lakers lost.
So I am finally posting on here after weeks of Louis bitching me out for not really contributing to our blog so here I am with a SUPER PHOTOGRAPHIC EDITION (not really) of the Orisue BBQ and our trip to the screen printer. they held a mini skate competition with cash prizes spectators Orisue fans showing mad support by slapping the O on themselves HA! Something you don't see everyday FREE!!! refreshments saw many different styles at the BBQ...their fan base is really vast and diverse Avenue of Fountain Valley came through with giveaways
And now...Summer '08 thus far! on our way down to our printer in Newport to do a QC me bored the factory at a glimpse the end.
How does one go from the biggest lead in NBA finals history......*sigh* fuck it
In case you haven't heard yet....NOT GUILTY! Wow. How can there be so much evidence pointing to an obvious verdict and yet it goes completely wrong all because the girl never took the stand.....this reminds me of an episode of The Boondocks (which by the way is one of the greatest shows ever!) The social commentary on the African American community in the show is very hilarious....and obviously not politically correct, but neither was R. Kelly filming himself pissing on a minor (go figure).
Henry was talking to me about cars like he normally does...even though I don't give a shit about cars as long as mine doesn't break but very rarely he'll show and or tell me about something that is really intriguing and grabs my attention take for example; "a shape shifting car from BMW"
So those of you that are Lakers fans obviously know the result of the game last night...87-81 mmmhmm Robert had to hand over a cool $20 (he's a fan of whatever team opposes the Lakers because he's a "biggity bitch"). Too bad $20 isn't that big of a deal anymore since the average cost of gas is officially $4 a gallon in the USA.
Took this photo yesterday with my cell phone going to a doctor's appointment in Garden Grove so I decided to fill up there since the Chevron on Brookhurst and Chapman is the cheapest Chevron I can find in Orange County...make it stop, MAKE IT STOP!! THE HORROR!! almost $60 for fucking 12 gallons!
-side note- Found this on the internet...NO WAY *don't ask how I found it*
Now a guy smashing 40 watermelons with his head! (talk about a man that's really proud of his trade)
Man...I give up. How can the Lakers be foolish enough to foul Powe like 90000 times....let's pray for a swift victory in Game 3 (because they really need it)
Anyone going to watch The Happening this weekend? I have mixed emotions on the film, only because of the fact that it's being advertised as M. Night Shyamalan's first R-rated thriller....OOooooOOOooWOW!!! -I REALLY DON'T GIVE A FUCK- But is it going to be a good movie? All an R rating tells me is that it decreases it's chance of getting a HUGE opening since it blocks out all the 16 year old and younger crowd from watching it...forcing them to buy an Incredible Hulk ticket instead to sneak into The Happening, that's saying that he didn't lose his fan base after the shit-tastic Lady in the Water and The Village (which was good up until they send the blind girl through the woods....). Speaking of The Hulk I heard the last 20mins of the film is going to be an all out city wide brawl between The Hulk and Abomination....sooo it comes down to do I want to see Hulk & Abomination in a battle royale in a city or watch a movie about people mysteriously killing themselves? (probably both haha)
Don't laugh while watching this.
On a side note Phillip is back from his 2 week long vacation-ay in Canada-ay (cheap shot), and he won't shutup about how great this video is and I don't blame him this man is a genius!
The moment the crowd erupted when Pierce came back in....I told myself... it's over *sigh*
World's most patient mom
Wow...that's the slowest slap in the world I could've gone out and had dinner and still had time to dodge Amazing how the mom just doesn't deck the shit out of her son for doing that. If that were me with my mom I would've gotten the beating of a lifetime, we're talking spatulas, kendo sticks, rulers, my toy swords etc. etc. (haha) oh man those days were crazy....
Take a look at this trailer just premiered online this past Wednesday (was wondering what K.Smith's next project would be's actually exciting that the view askew guys are teaming up with the apatow guys)