JDL VS. FRESHJIVE. from Bobby Hundreds on Vimeo.
How fucking lame is that video? The same JDL members protesting peace is also shoving passerby's and customers to the floor and cussing them out....(haha) way to strengthen your agenda!
However one wants to interpret what Rick Klotz's supposed "art" (as stated in his blog) means, I in turn am a little bothered, and lost in translation over the meaning of a shirt that has a picture of the former leader of the PLO; Yasir Arafat (a anti-semite who condoned terrorist activities on the Israelis) with the caption "the good ol days." Does that mean its a shirt representing the mass suicide bombings that took place or the constant bombing of Palestinian villages and the thousands of lives that were lost over a dispute that has been going on for thousands of years with no end in sight? I wish I had the answers.
What I do know is, is that this is giving Freshjive a HUGE amount of publicity and exposure....makes you wonder if bad publicity even works to the protesters advantage anymore.
All this really takes me back and reminds me of Eminem and his troubles with his ex-wife, his own mother, the law, and the homosexual community, and how it helped spiral his record sales to the top. It even revived Dr. Dre's career by also shooting his Chronic 2001 album to the top.
Anyways, here's a photo of the shirt interpret any which way you want.