Summing it up. Robert and I went to MAGIC but not as exhibitors (apparently not a good idea to exhibit your stuff at MAGIC without attending it first). And fuck if I know how it happened but our fucking memory card disappeared.....I swear I don't know! Really pisses me off. I was hoping to do some extravagant MAGIC post, but yeah not happening. (I have to get over it)
So Labor Day passed and I got invited to a BBQ by one of my friends since he's friends with one of the chefs at some hip catering venue in Laguna Beach called 7 Degrees...of course I went, and took pictures with my new 2gb memory at hand.
Bam Bam
Curry roaming around Bam Bam
Alex (chef) prepping the grill
Poor Mars got tied together to Bam Bam as a source for our entertainment while waiting for the meat to cook
Mouth watering
Yes the steak is that tender enough to be cut with plastic utensils....nice pose Emily
Just eat the damn burger Patricia
Forgot what it says but the detail Jamie included into the brush stroke effects on her tattoo were cool
A little basketball afterwards
Jason unable to tough it out....pussy
Meet Eddie...he lives out of his car
Some Lollicup to finish up the evening
Well stay tuned to the webstore cause we got some bounce backs from accounts unable to pay up for their shipments so it's going back in stock....economy is starting to take a toll on us all. Wait...what? Did I hear recession what recession?