I saw The Incredible Hulk & Wanted. Hulk was alright (B-) certainly a step up from the predecessor even though this one felt like a re-vamp of the franchise so I don't know if I even should be comparing the two, but I do have to say the last 20mins of the movie was a complete fan service! Especially when he pommels Abomination with the police cars until there's nothing left of the vehicle. I don't understand why they even tease me with Tony Stark appearing in the film to hint at The Avengers...bastards. They even introduce the villain "The Leader" in the movie in the form of Tim Blake Nelson (O, Brother Where Art Thou) as a college university professor who gets exposure to the radiation....so I guess there will be a sequel. Wanted (B+) was really awesome! Completely over the top but what do you expect from a comic book adaptation? It even had an adrenaline fueled soundtrack of heavy metal etc. what you would expect with the cinematography being all ADHD status from Timur Bekmambetov (Night Watch). By far though the culmination of the entire movie other then the bullet time cinematography was when Angelina Jolie came out of her healing bath and you see her entire backside....
(sadly google doesn't have the booty shot)
What is it with America and glamorizing abnormal transgender behavior? I saw this video on Youtube and did a double take because the girl's name is Derrick. When it comes down to it, IT'S JUST ANOTHER CELEBRITY IMPERSONATOR was a standing ovation necessary?
Derrick has more video clips on youtube that's hitting views in the millions.
Oh yeah...Megan Fox (ultimate power in the universe) called off her engagement....."So you're telling me there's a chance!"