Jubien trying to put together a miniature ramp
Conversing about the recent condition in hip hop
Jubien giving directions to his buddy Tyler
Tyler's here!
Got it at Workmen's
Jubien shreddin' it up
Angry because he couldn't get in on the excellent group shot
"Hey shopping cart surfing!" -great idea pinnacle of safety
Yeah...Life is a gamble
Holy Tyler
Jenica(not sure on the spelling dont get mad!)
Stalker shot
Alright let's get the fuck out....before we get caught....Tyler really liked our Avenue Tee so we gave him one for being a good sport and showing up, he then did an outfit change
Eating at Tomboy's...yes Jubien is pulling a Hitler
Big thanks to Jubien and Project McFly for pulling through for us!
So I finally made enough money to spare so I can purchase the new Bobby Digital (RZA) ablum: Digi Snacks and I have to say it's his strongest album yet under Bobby Digital....makes you wonder if he was focusing more on this then 8 Diagrams...NO! good thoughts...good thoughts. One of the more noteworthy songs on it is Good Night I can't stop listening to it and if I am not mistaken I could've sworn I heard the beat from "Can't Stop Me Now" from MF Doom as King Geedorah's ablum....
Anyways, have a safe weekend all!