Meet Mr. Unstable:
What compels people to pull that kind of shit? I don't understand. Does someone have to pull that kind of stunt to revel in their own pathetic glory? Really makes me wonder about the fabric of our society and how thin it exactly is, and why people are stupid enough to post incriminating videos of themselves on the internet.....who wants that kind of attention for their 15 minutes?
(haha) Fans of Wu-Tang....."Da Mystery of Chessboxin"
Cannot believe that's an actual sport now....
While counting inventory today Henry, Phillip and I thought about it and I think we are going to be doing a online sale for our left over stock from the warehouse sale.....MAYBE not sure yet waiting for Robert to get back to see what he thinks so stay tuned!
Ever get those bills where it looks all shitty and dilapidated and you just look for an excuse to spend it....
Got this for change at McDonald's and I actually took the change hesitantly from the cashier's hand....eeuuugghh!!!