Now I would like to write about the pieces in Volume 3. This is what I like to call an in depth look into Cakedout and its designs (haha).
Life is a gamble...We decided to do a shirt referencing to the fragility of human life and wanted to use a famous staple in our society to display how we felt about the saying. So we threw up some ideas and finally I remembered when Disney had bought out Pixar for $7 billion and I remember thinking how much of a gamble it was for them to do so considering Pixar hadn't even made Disney $7 billion with their movies....granted they are all amazing (except Monster's Inc. and Cars), and I wanted to use Mickey but I didn't want to get served by Disney so Phillip liking the Disney idea said, "hey let's just use his hands so there's no legal issues...besides everyone can still recognize them."
I remember reading an article on prescription drug abuse and reading about cough medicine being used as a hallucinogen because of the dextromethorphan (dxm) and thinking to myself "wtf what will people think of next?" I pitched that idea to Phillip and he loved it too and worked with the idea and finally integrated the kool-aid man after watching an episode of Family Guy.
Rick the ruler....Slick Rick....whatever you remember him by. Being a big fan of Slick Rick Henry threw up the idea to flip the Raiders logo....Phillip told him it had been done but due to the large volume of our friends and their friends and so on of people saying "yo I GOT TO HAVE IT" he quickly changed his mind. I personally think Henry did a good job with the details especially on his necklace.
yeah...yeah...I heard it many times already "you're flipping the Run DMC logo?" I know right very original well I had to do it because I always wanted to do a Run DMC logo flip and I wasn't going to let the 500 other versions get in my way -_-
I wanted to call this shirt "Roots" because I thought it made more sense cause we were doing another Jordan reference, and since he started at North Carolina.....but yeah the bitches disagreed with me.
I quit! They actually have a fan base....
Random Fact: Miley Cyrus is only 15....I really did not know that.... I guess I should stop looking at her hacked cell phone pics