And lastly, Robert was listening to some crazy music aloud today, and when I turned around to ask him wtf he was listening to I see these things....... Haha! Sucha novelty.
I went to Hard for Halloween and for those people still saying Daft Punk performed.....IT WAS NOT THEM IT WAS DJ AM DRESSED IN A CUSTOM MADE COSTUME. It was still awesome though
I went as a Mormon.....that's why I have a bike helmet on
Goku and Sub-Zero giving a light don't see that everyday
Will call line.....standing in that was the biggest load of bullshit ever
Waiting in line to get in....hey whatcha got rolling there?
Ever notice how there's always that one person looking at you or in the opposite direction of the crowd and you just happen to capture that moment while trying to snag pictures of the crowd?
My new bff's
Shout out to Acrylick! Cause I always see them at music festivals
Sadness, a lot of drama lately in the office. Had to be resolved by letting someone go....all this stress and what not going on is making me delirious, kind of like this video
So due, to the negation of a member here at HQ I get to take over more positions increasing my workload. However, there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. Look at this lovely email we received awhile back that was neglected to be shown to the rest of the crew....."shady" believe me I know.
Hey guys, My name is Bobby and I run a fellow brand called The Hundreds ( ) One of my friends just forwarded me your website. I really dig this line, esp. Vols 2 and 3.
And I haven't seen anything I've really liked out there for at least a couple years. Just wanted to tell you to keep it up, we need more strong labels like this with quality design.
Don't know if it's real or not, but if you are reading this thanks a lot Bobby! We've always been following along with the hundreds watching your guys' success is really inspiring.
I've been getting a lot of emails regarding the lack of quantities in the! I am going to take this time to redirect you guys to a wonderful site known as I first found this site when I got into the SB craze 2 years ago whilst trying to find the BIC dunk, because I had an obsession with the color yellow, don't ask why. Upon, finding that site I was amazed at their selection and the pieces they had available, and from then on I always kept their site bookmarked always checking their site compulsively whenever a new SB dropped. . . .and that's why I am broke. The End. (haha)
80s Purple held an event last Thursday called "Dress Right," that Ben over at Triumvir asked if I wanted to accompany with him to....Thanks man! Let's grab some lunch sometime!
The Runway
Lounging area
Open bar = shortage of alcohol before the start of the actual event, however there was a liquor store conveniently located at the event which was inside the California Market Center in LA.
Inside the liquor store there were a ton of alcoholic beverages I have never seen before in my life....I guess you can consider them exotic drinks?
This drink actually has a scorpion inside....
See! I told you.
I almost bought that because it looks cool......
Anyways, I chopped it up with Ben for awhile about future plans for Cakedout.....interesting feedback that I got back from him really made me think about our goals.
Yesterday, I had to park on the other side of my neighborhood due to the absurd parking conditions here....when I got out of my car something brushed by my legs really quickly and ran up a wall. It felt really disgusting cause I was wearing shorts and to my disappointment it was a fucking possum
I saw RocknRolla last night. It was quite entertaining! A lot of sequencing problems due to the fact that Guy Ritchie over stylized some of the scenes making them kind of hard to follow and made the movie feel unnecessary at some parts, but overall I am happy that my $10.50 spent was well worth it.
We got our shipments of re-prints the other day, for our new accounts who want Volumes 1-4
More Heir!
Pile of boxes that were horribly organized
Ever wanted to make a pile of clothes and jump in it? Cause I know did, but a certain collective of people told me not to and to put the camera down and get back to work.
I will post the Volume 4 leaks on Monday.....forgot to take them off our server (haha)
Haha, just when I was getting used to being dry and cold a random heat wave hits....woooooooow
Made some new friends; Kidflomatic and Dj Caution of Killionaire Dj's. They really like our stuff and offered a helping hand on getting our name out so we hooked them up with a ton of gear (sorry the selection will be better once volume 4 comes out...I promise)
They even made a video for us check it out
Oh! and did anyone notice our special t-shirts that we made specifically for Karmaloop? Oooohhh aaahhhh......
Yesterday, was my day I spent it visiting the family back in Garden Grove and with the girlfriend in Westminster for a date.....what did we do? We went to go and get her hair done....and I watched. (it was an awesome time waiting for her so I snapped some pics) Cool fishes that my gf took a picture of because I wasn't sure if I was allowed to
Market....I think the first Fast and the Furious had a scene here or something along those lines
Crazy shit on the 405....reminds me of Transformers
I will post some more previews for Volume 4 as the week progresses....
Probably one of the greatest Family Guy moments.....
Here's Double D and Dj Mark EP whom sported our gear at the T.I. album release party thanks guys! (sorry about the positioning)
So, big things have been happening......can't really talk about it. All I can say is we are going through a "transition." We need help here and we are going to more "established" people to acquire that knowledge.......I'll keep you guys posted.