Made some new friends; Kidflomatic and Dj Caution of Killionaire Dj's. They really like our stuff and offered a helping hand on getting our name out so we hooked them up with a ton of gear (sorry the selection will be better once volume 4 comes out...I promise)
They even made a video for us check it out
Oh! and did anyone notice our special t-shirts that we made specifically for Karmaloop?
Oooohhh aaahhhh......
Yesterday, was my day I spent it visiting the family back in Garden Grove and with the girlfriend in Westminster for a date.....what did we do? We went to go and get her hair done....and I watched. (it was an awesome time waiting for her so I snapped some pics)
Cool fishes that my gf took a picture of because I wasn't sure if I was allowed to
Market....I think the first Fast and the Furious had a scene here or something along those lines
Crazy shit on the 405....reminds me of Transformers
I will post some more previews for Volume 4 as the week progresses....