Friday, October 31, 2008

The rest of it....

Sadness, a lot of drama lately in the office. Had to be resolved by letting someone go....all this stress and what not going on is making me delirious, kind of like this video

So due, to the negation of a member here at HQ I get to take over more positions increasing my workload. However, there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. Look at this lovely email we received awhile back that was neglected to be shown to the rest of the crew....."shady" believe me I know.

Hey guys,
My name is Bobby and I run a fellow brand called The Hundreds (
One of my friends just forwarded me your website. I really dig this line, esp. Vols 2 and 3.

And I haven't seen anything I've really liked out there for at least a couple years. Just wanted to tell you to keep it up, we need more strong labels like this with quality design.


Don't know if it's real or not, but if you are reading this thanks a lot Bobby! We've always been following along with the hundreds watching your guys' success is really inspiring.

Anyways, onwards to the rest of Volume 4
